Oh My Quiz

Build Your Own Quiz for My Blog

Monday, July 03, 2006

Benny Hinn Straight Up Rocks!

Please take this quiz! It took me a VERY long time to make it, and if you love Benny Hinn, you'll love this quiz!

  1. Where was Benny Hinn born?

  2. Jaffa, Israel
    Toronto, Canada
    Los Angeles, California

  3. What year was Benny Hinn born?

  4. 2001

  5. What is Benny Hinn's original given name?

  6. Benjamin Hinn
    Two-fold Benny Hinn
    Toufik Benedictus Hinn

  7. Where did Benny Hinn meet and marry his wife, Suzanne?

  8. on vacation
    Toronto, Canada
    Orlando, Florida

  9. What is one of Benny Hinn's major shows?

  10. This Is Your Day!
    Good Morning, Holy Spirit
    As The World Turns

Thank You SO much for taking my Benny Hinn quiz! If you enjoyed this quiz, or ar a fan of Benny Hinn and his minestry, tell your friends about my site:



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