Oh My Quiz

Build Your Own Quiz for My Blog

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Are you a good person

Good luck!!!
  1. Do you give to the needy?

  2. Dont care if it is not me
    Always try to help

  3. Do you think about ones in need?

  4. no

  5. can you feel bad when some one is in need?

  6. very bad
    i truly dont care

  7. Do you understand Faith,Hope and Love

  8. Why should i care
    I do with all my heart

  9. Do you worship the devil ?

  10. no way ever
    I hate the devil that jerk

  11. Are you a bully

  12. I like to beat up peaple
    I would rather save them

  13. Do you take drugs????

  14. I am adicted
    Never,over my dead body i would take them

  15. Do you understand the meaning of life???????????

  16. Hell NO
    oh ya i do

  17. Have you ever benn in a gang

  18. no

  19. can you love others

  20. yes

Try to live life to the full potential!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Biology test

Read carefully and mark the right answer
  1. it is a procaryotic cell:

  2. virus

  3. It has capside:

  4. phage

  5. it buils body structure:

  6. carbohidratos

  7. it gives you calories mainly:

  8. proteinas
    acidos nucleicos

  9. It conteins uracilo base:

  10. DNA

Review your ansers and make corrections if neccesary.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Junior Osprey Basketball Trivia Challenge

Hello, Junior Ospreys! Do you have what it takes to master the Junior Osprey Basketball Trivia Challenge? Here is your shot. See if you can score higher than your friends.
  1. In which athletic conference does UNF compete ?

  2. The Atlantic Sun Conference
    The Pacific Moon Conference
    The East Coast Star Conference

  3. Which of the following is NOT one of UNF's colors?

  4. White

  5. What is the name of the Ospreys' Basketball Arena

  6. UNF Arena
    Alltel Arena
    360 Dome

  7. Which of these is NOT one of our mascots?

  8. Ozzie

  9. Who is the Head Coach of the UNF Women's Basketball team?

  10. Susan Mauer
    Mary Tappmeyer
    Harriet Osprey

  11. Who is the Head Coach of the UNF Men's Basketball team?

  12. Ozzie Swoop
    Michael Fresca
    Matt Kilcullen

  13. How many players on the Men's Basketball team are from Jacksonville?

  14. 2

  15. How many players on the Women's Basketball team are from Jacksonville?

  16. 0

All finished! Drum roll please...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Overall Awesomeness Quiz

Ever wondered just how awesome and original you are? well, the answer is here! simply answer truthfully the below questions and add to see your awesomeness!
  1. What is your favorite flavor icecream?

  2. chocolate
    rocky road
    chocolate chip

  3. Which pizza topping would you choose?

  4. extra cheese
    a meat
    a fruit or veggie

  5. How many true friends do you have?

  6. none
    just a lot of acquaintances
    1-5 and a lot of acquaintances
    too many to count

  7. Which would you choose as a pet?

  8. a dog or cat
    parrot or guppie
    none, i hate animals
    chinchilla or ferret
    none, i'm allergic

  9. Rate your randomness on a scale of 1-10.

  10. 0-2

  11. Which is your favorite food combination?

  12. burger and fries
    fries dipped in chocolate shake
    all of these choices are disgusting
    oreos and peanutbutter
    creamcheese and jelly

  13. This could be the most important question: peanutbutter preference.

  14. it has to be specific (i.e. only Skippy creamy with the aqua blue lid!)
    consistancy matters only (i.e. as long as it's chunky)
    brand is essential (i.e. choosey moms choose Jiff)
    i hate peanutbutter, it sticks to the roof of my mouth
    no preference as long as it's peanutbutter and sticks to the roof of my mouth

  15. what is your favorite sport to play?

  16. golf and tennis
    raquetball or badmitten
    football or ruggby
    soccer or hockey
    track or cross country

  17. favorite sport to watch:

  18. golf and tennis
    raquetball or badmitten
    football or ruggby
    soccer or hockey
    track or cross country

  19. Do you think this test is pointless?

  20. completely, i just wasted ten minutes of my life!
    yes, but i had fun.
    of course not, i need to know how awesome i am!
    no, everything has a purpose.
    what was the question?

After clicking "Awesome-ify Me" return here to read further into your score.

You suck. No offense, but you just aren't awesome. You are unoriginal and kin of pathetic. My apologies if this answer burst your ego bubble, but someone had to break it to you sooner or later. We believe the sooner the better.
You aren't very awesome. Sorry, but you just don't quite hit awesomeness, although you are somewhat cool. Maybe you believe thateveryone is awesome in their own awesome way, but we don't think so. Good luck with that.
You are pretty aweosme, we guess. You definitley pass awesomeness, but could work on your originality. You are random and totally worthy of loserdom (which is a good thing), hey, at least you aren't a completely pathetic idiot.
You are now our new best friend. You are awesome in ways indescribable. Totally, random and overflowing with awesomeness. You will do great things. Rock on, brilliant one, rock on!